Black Cap Chickadee with tongue

Taken in light rainfall.

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Is this a composite: No
iso 2000, 400 + 1.4X, f4, 2500th, A7R4, about 10% of full frame, cloudy and drizzling

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Hi David
The Black Cap Chickadee looks very nice in the soft light. The A7R4 provides amazing detail for such a large crop. Getting a shot with it’s beak open, just added to this photograph. Nice work.

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Nice, good pose, perch and IQ

That is really sharp & beautiful. Impressive. Well done!

Fine detail in the chickadee and nice bonus to see the tongue. Nice perch and background.

Excellent, and moreso for the large crop! The lichen at the top is gorgeous! That looks like a tasty bug on its tongue.

Excellent pose and perch, David and really fine image quality. I was going to ask if that was a bug on the tongue-it looks like it, but I’m not positive.

Hi David, nice pose and I love seeing the tongue. Interesting perch too. A fine image.

Terrific capture, David. I agree with all comments, above.

Really well done David. Everything works. Perch, bird, bg and a huge crop to boot.