Another one from my “bug on a flower” files circa 2003, I thought it would be appropriate for this week’s Nature’s Curves WC theme.
I only had 4MP to work with, so this only has a minor crop off the bottom. Processed in LRC, I made various adjustments to accentuate the curves and detail on the petals and fly.
Feedback Requests
Feedback on the processing is appreciated! This is actually the Potentila fruticosa species and with the desaturation I applied to better reveal detail, the color rendition remains representative.
Thanks for taking a look!
Pertinent Technical Details
Canon PowerShot G3
f/5.6 @ 1/80, ISO 50
Processed in LRC
Jim: I especially like how you lit this. At first I had some concerns about the BG buds but the more I look the more I like their inclusion and thinks this works better than a pure black BG. >=))>
The contrast in the petals is fantastic. The off center composition kind of throws me though. I can see why you cropped it as such, but it just seems unbalanced.
Other than a small crop off the top, this is the full 4MP file. Now that I’m using a camera with six times the resolution of the G3 (and 60% more than the EOS 50D), I need to reprogram myself to leave a little more room in the frame.
I’m still amazed at what can be done using today’s processing software with these old files!