The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Iberian Red Kite, southern Spain.
These kites are spectacular birds, with their red/yellow feathers that catch the sun, and their flight skills. They soar, dive, and bank with extreme speed and grace. They are endangered in Spain.
Specific Feedback
Does this crop work? I wanted to include the top of the BG mountains.
Technical Details
This was a very lucky shot. I had just taken shots of groups of birds on the ground with F18 and never changed it when the kites showed up. If I had been at F2.8, as often for flying birds, both birds would not have been sharp.
Sony A1
Exposure Time: 1/4000 sec
F Number: f18
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 5000
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Matrix
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Lens Model: FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM OSS II @200
Eye tracking, zone
Critique Template
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Luck and skill have combined for an amazing shot here Sandy. I can’t believe how nice and sharp both birds are in this. I like the mountain in the BG as a nice backdrop. The birds stand out very nicely against the subdued BG.
Wow, Sandy. The individual birds are beautiful. The juxtaposition of the two is very effective. My first thought was that it had to be a composite because no one could be lucky enough to get such a shot. But you did.
I think it could use a hair more breathing room on the right side. I tried cropping out the white border and using generative expand to add a little more background on the right. Just a thought. It’s terrific as it is.
My first reaction was “WOW, what a shot.” Incredible detail in both birds, especially for a flight shot. I like the background-beats blue sky. Congrats on a real winner.
Excellent image, Sandy. And yes, the f/18 and having them close enough to get with 200 mm really made this shot. Even at f/18 with a typical 600 mm it would have been a shaky shot to get both in focus.
Amazing and wonderful!! The perfect moment caught, excellent detail and the DOF is a delightful surprise, to get both in focus. Luck is a wonderful strategy!
With a shot like that, you didn’t need to brighten the trees. The two birds shinning in the bright sun says it all! I like the crop myself. You have the sky, mountains and the green trees. Lucky You to get the shot. Thanks