Lunar Eclipse Jan 20 TIMES - PST

Times shown in local time (PST)

Total lunar eclipse visible

Magnitude: 1.1953

Duration:5 hours, 11 minutes, 33 seconds

Duration of totality:1 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds

Penumbral begins:Jan 20 at 6:36:29 pm

Partial begins:Jan 20 at 7:33:54 pm

Full begins:Jan 20 at 8:41:17 pm

Maximum:Jan 20 at 9:12:14 pm

Full ends:Jan 20 at 9:43:15 pm

Partial ends:Jan 20 at 10:50:39 pm

Penumbral ends:Jan 20 at 11:48:02 pm

In SE Michigan, the eclipse will be total at around 10:34 PM and I will go after this one. It is clear and cold (subzero) which will help keep atmospheric conditions clear…Jim