Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.
Questions to guide your feedback
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Image Description
Every helicopter flight over Lake Magadi reminds me of the famous quote out of Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re going to get. We in the country of pralines understand that quote all too well But we also know that it will always be good! The same with the flight over Lake Magadi… we know that it will be beautiful, but exactly what we will see is always a surprise. One of the most beautiful moments of the past year was when it seemed as if molten gold was leaking out of a dark layer of salt…
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Hi Ingrid,
This is wonderful! The color palette of greens and blues work really well as do the lines and shapes in this abstract landscape. I like the lack of scale here as it engages the imagination as to exactly what am I viewing? My only suggestion would be a larger file to view. Beautifully done!
Two initial responses: First, Is this really one of your photos? Where are the animals (elephants); and second, I have no idea of what it is, but like @Jim_Erhardt it appears to be a photo of water from above. I first thought it was a wave, but that doesn’t seem to be it after a closer look. Perhaps you used some type of creative style processing to achieve the look. Whatever you did, it is well done and very mysterious.
After viewing your comments, even though I know what it is a picture of, I still don’t know how you achieved this look.
First response: This is cool! Second response: Probably should be in the Abstract category . Anyway, the colors are very complimentary and it reminds me of a cliff face with the upward sweeping lines. The little pool on the right appears to be composed of elements unlike those in the main scene.
My initial reaction, even before I saw the type of crititque requested was a nearly audible, “Hold on, what is THIS?” I love the colors and composition. I still don’t know what it is!
@Jim_Erhardt@Ed_Lowe Thank you for your appreciation. 1000 pix longest side is what I use for any internet forum. I can assure you it looks good larger too
Haha, thanks Jim - yes, it really is one of my photos! Though I love African wildlife most, I do do the occasional landscape/macro/whatever sidestep, as long as it’s something to do with nature
How I achieve this look? Lake Magadi is full of these colours and shapes - depending on the weather (wind, rain i.e. water level, sunshine or clouds) they change constantly. Hence, even when I do two consecutive flights with a different group of clients over the same area, the colours and shapes - and the photos - will be totally different. The use of a polariser and the correct white balance is vital to get the colours right. Apart from a little dehaze I did literally nothing in post-processing. I hope this answers your question.
@Jim_Lockhart@Paul_Holdorf@Diane_Miller Thanks for your appreciation!
My own first reaction when I saw this, was ‘WOW!’ - But ‘This is COOL’ and ‘Hold on, WHAT IS THIS?’ will do
And as a reply to the latter: this is just a small part of Lake Magadi, areal view form an open-sided helicopter.
Gorgeous. I assumed it was water but it doesn’t really matter - the colours, textures, and composition make this image a delight to behold. I too, wish I could see it larger.
First reaction: oooh, what is this? It’s lovely!
Colors blend well. Not sure of the collection in the bottom right. My eye is drawn there, but I’m unclear if that’s the focus of the image.
Looks like an abstract painting, the ripples reflecting the conflicts in one’s mind, against the backdrop of tranquility and peace symbolised by the blue sky waiting to be embraced.