Reaching Up

This was taken at The Sunken Gardens in St. Petersburg FL. I have been putting off learning more about processing in black and white as I feel splitting my focus between color and black and white may present some challenges, but this one felt right. I have it in color as well and really like that too, but the graphic nature and stark contrast between light and dark pointed me toward spending more time processing the black and white version.

Specific Feedback Requested

Always open to CC! I debated how much time to spend messing with the nick in the leaf in the LRC, spent too much time and was never really happy so it stayed. I tried to maintain some detail in the tones especially in the central portion while pushing the edges closer to black. Did I go too far?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No

Dave, the high contrast makes this pop. Then, as I look further I find some subtle details, which add a lot of interest. The scattering of curved lines mixed into the mostly verticals also looks good.

For me, David, this has a wonderful abstract and lyrical photo with lots of rhythm. I do like the black and white as it seems to simplify the movement and shapes. Nicely done.

@Mark_Seaver and @linda_mellor thanks for checking it out and the feedback! I attempted to darken it down significantly but still maintain some separation in the tones of the leaves. I agree that black and white is probably the best path forward with this one, I may keep messing with the color version for fun though!


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