I’m one of the graybeards at NPN having been a member since 2001 and a moderator since 2006. I am pretty much self taught as a photographer and have learned much of my craft through NPN. My great love is landscape photography but I think that is as much a love of the places we’ve been blessed to visit as much as the image making. My wife Christine is a master gardener so probably 90% of my Flora and Macro shots come from our own garden and yard. I grew up photographically shooting slides so to this day the capture of the image in a single frame is my most enjoyable challenge. I do envy those who can do magic in processing but prefer to be looking through the viewfinder more than looking at a computer screen.
I’m a practicing Optometric Physician in Houston, Texas. Chrissy and I have four grown sons, four terrific daughters in law, sixteen grandkids and two cats. My other major non-professional pursuit is as a volunteer chaplain in the Texas prison system. I see the hand of the Lord in every shot I take and count it a blessing to be able to share my view of His world through my photography. Soli Deo Gloria - To God Alone Be The Glory. >=))>