

First SLR (Pentax Spotmatic) as I graduated from UC Davis and headed off to grad school at the University of Minnesota. Used to shoot in CA, NV, WY, MN, and OR. Next was a Nikon N90 in 1995 as I headed off to Europe for a 23 day vacation with 60 rolls of film. First digital Point and Shoot was a Sony 8 MP purchased in CT and used to shoot photos in CT, MA and CO. First DSLR, a Nikon D7000 as I was leaving a 3 month stay in Colorado Springs to return to California. Used to shoot in CO, UT, CA, and OR. Next were a Nikon D4s - used primarily to shoot sports (football, basketball, and track), and a Nikon D810 - for everything else.

I shoot a variety of subjects - people and other animals, landscapes and seascapes, flora, and events - including music. I am in the middle of a long-term project to create a guidebook for the Stanford Arizona Garden (1500 cactus and other succulents). I shot football games for my alma mater UC Davis for 3 years.

I am a scientist and lead development of tools for biotech and medical devices. Home is the SF bay area - family spread out on the west coast and one in Illinois currently - scheduled to return to the Pacific Northwest in about a year. I spent my first 18 years in Sacramento, left California for 6 years in Minnesota and then 7 years in Oregon - grad school, work, grad school. Have good friends among PNW and NorCal photogs. I enjoy the outdoors, travel, exploring, meeting new people, and spending time with family and friends. And often, “. . . life is a song cue”.