

When I was a little girl, my mother had a Brownie camera, and I thought then,“I have just got to have one of those”! Well, I never owned one of them, but far, far better after I was grown. I was activity duty in the Army for a few years, and worked as a Photojournalist. There I worked in the B&W (meager) photo lab, where I learned so much while developing the film I had shot. I am originally from the Eastern Shore of Maryland, but now retired from the Federal Govt. where I worked as a Program Analyst. I now live with my husband in his hometown of Saint Pauls, North Carolina. I enjoy nature photography, especially avian, wildlife, and macro (bugs and other tiny critters), but when I do get to visit some scenic areas, I certainly make a try at landscape as well. I was a member of the old NPN for just over a year when the new site opened up, and I have to say that I have learned a lot from this community.