

John “SKIPS PICS” Skippen

With my Macro photography, I explore the infinite occurrences of Nature’s minutia, often not seen or noticed. Macro photography is more than just close-up images. The techniques used offer a new perspective on the world, revealing the tiny and often overlooked details of life around us and of my subjects. I seek out intricate textures, repeating patterns, and visual rhythms in the imagery I create. To me these are the fascinating fundamental elements that integrate into our cohesive, synergistic and essential ecosystem. Looking past the obvious, close observation and engagement of the subject is my process. The challenge is to see beyond the distraction of the conspicuous to capture its unique self. Some of my subjects are quite beautiful, others less so. My goal is to inspire those who see my work to look more carefully at the world around them, to discover beauty in unusual places.

While out taking photographs, I spend a great deal of time trying to see things in a less literal way. This time is used to take all the variables and elements of my surroundings such as lighting into consideration. I believe this to be essential and a key process in capturing a good image. I’m a self-taught Nature and MACRO photographer. My work can often be recognized by a timeless and ethereal quality where the imperfections of the subject, camera, or technique are often highlighted as an integral part of the image.


Skips Pics grew up as an “Outdoor Kid”, on the beaches and mountains of southern California where I developed my love of nature. At 17, I joined the Air Force and toured Europe taking advantage of the sites and scenes by photographing all my adventures on film. After 22 years I retired and went back to school and obtained a AS degree in computer science from Virginia Peninsula Community College, formerly known as Thomas Nelson Community College. Then the Navy called me and I worked for them until I retired in 2018. Again, I went back to school in the Fall of 2021 at Virginia Peninsula Community College where I received a certification in Photography.

I make my home in Newport News, Virginia where I enjoy photographing what all nature has to offer in my surrounding area. My work consists of an arrangement of flowers, insects, birds, and nature. Some of my best photos come from my own flower and vegetable gardens. On occasion, I have fun photographing people and models in action.
My work can be seen on Instagram: skip2deb214.