I am a self-taught amateur photographer. I purchased my first quality camera when I got a job right out of college. My photography really started while in the Army when my friend and I discovered an un-used darkroom in the USO Club while stationed in Germany. We learned to develop film and print on our own as everything we could find on photography was in German. The first thing I did on returning home was to sit up a make shift darkroom in the basement. I have shot film from 16mm sub-miniture to 4x5 view cameras and field cameras, mostly black and white. I had a wet darkroom for over 40 years but due to the high cost and quality materials becoming difficult to get I sold all my film cameras, darkroom equipment, and switched to digital in 2010; all the images on these pages are from various digital cameras. I am still basically a black and white photographer but have never been able to define my photography. I shoot a lot of varied subjects but prefer shooting landscapes, old buildings, and occasionally wildlife. About the only type of photographer I can say I am not is a “people photographer”.