Barred owls

This image was taken in the late afternoon at a friends home. I believe this is an adult with a young owl. But not sure.

Specific Feedback Requested

This is a large crop and I have used Topaz A1 to reduce noise and to add some sharpness. Is the level of sharpness OK, or is the image too soft.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 80D, Canon EF 100mm-400mm IS II USM @ 400mm.
1/320 @ F-5.6 ISO 1600

Hi John. I don’t think you’d want to add any more sharpness at this large a crop. To my eye, it’s starting to show pixelation effects and any sharpening will just accentuate them. I think you’d be better off backing off on the crop and showing the owls considerably smaller in the frame.

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Thank you. I will try that.


A sweet picture. And it does look sharp but suffers from the large crop. Focus looks like it is on the near owl. Some owls nest i the same place or adjacent area year after year so you might get more photos.