Creative Self-Expression When Everyone is a Photographer

Thank you for your detailed answer Brenda. Much appreciated. It clarifies the dualisms I was asking about.

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This may be one of my favorites because of it’s suggestive human form. You know how a backside gets squished and deforms when placed on a smooth wooden chair? That’s what I see in this image.

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Thank you, George! I’m glad we’re on the same page, too. Oftentimes, when we don’t know someone, it can be easy to misinterpret what they say online. Anyway - the only manipulating I’ll do in post-processing is focus stacking and cloning out small distractions. But that’s just my approach, and I agree that what others can do with more advanced skills is admirable.

I’m glad to hear that - thanks!

Ha - this made me laugh out loud! I have an image that looks like a smooshed butt! LOL. What I saw was the apparent symbiosis between the tree and the rock and the resilience of nature. It’s always interesting to me to hear how others interpret photographs. We all bring our own stories, don’t we?