
Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

Do you think that the other small tree on the hill in the center is a strong enough object here? Did it immediately catch your attention? I am not sure …

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Technical Details

Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-28 um 09.10.26

Specific Feedback

Any other feedback is most welcome!


To be honest, that tree is the first thing I saw when I looked at your image and I love it. I also like the composition as a whole with the tiny subject and everything else acting as sort of a frame. Honestly, this is really nice!

Markus, I love this image. Must have been tough to process but you did an excellent job. Great composition too! Only suggestion would be to try cropping some of the right hand side (and maybe a little from the bottom), which might draw the eye to the tree a bit more. It took me a minute to find it, but once I did, it was a joy. :slight_smile:

Hi Markus,
the image is really beautiful. I love the nice soft light hitting the landscape.
The tree in the center is a great detail. That hill reminds me of that famous spot in Switzerland.

If I had to change something about the image it would be a small detail: I would shrink the center of the sun slightly.

The simplest way is to use the Liquify filter in PS and activate the Plucker Tool. Just one click and the white ball attracts a little less attention.

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Hey Jens, thanks for your feedback. There’s no spot in the world you don’t know, right?:wink: Indeed it’s Switzerland near Zug.

And I will try the liquify tool!

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I never have been to that spot. But I saw a lot of images. But your shot shows a different perspective :ok_hand:

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My initial reaction is the well being I feel when the morning’s sun rays first touch my skin. I like the small tree. I didn’t notice it at first due to it’s size but it’s presence does add to the image. The long horizontals add a lot of peace to this scene.

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The first thing I saw was the sunburst, then the foreground tree and yellow grass. I then wandered to the hill with the small tree. I like this image a lot and I think you did a great job of processing. The colors are magnificent and the soft tones in the background make this image feel very peaceful. I would love to be sitting under the large tree and watch the sun go down. I have to agree with @Jens_Ober that making the sun a little smaller would really help the viewer to focus more on the beautiful scene. Great job!