Fading field

Found this grassy field on a recent trip to our local lake. Reminded me that winter has arrived. Also the fact that high today is only going to be in the 40’s. That’s cold for me here in the Texas hill country!

Cloned out a few stray bothersome blades, other than that no other adjustments.

Is the single blade a distraction? Any other thoughts or comments would be appreciated.
Nikon D7200, f/11, 1/200sec., ISO 100 @105mm, handheld

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Wonderful to spot this quiet and unassuming scene, and make a lovely image of it! The amount of sharp detail is very pleasing and the soft blue-grays, with touches of browns, against the soft golds, are wonderful! I think having subtly more than half of the image devoted to the darker FG provides a nice grounding.

Linda, this is a fine “grass photo”. I like how there are a small number of stems that flow cleanly through the mass, especially the one that almost touches the top.

Thanks, @Diane_Miller, @Mark_Seaver and @David_Bostock for your comments. It was a breezy day (10mph) and part of what I like about the photo is how the wind created an ICM effect, but I could still click away to get some of the blades of grass in focus.