Great Horned Owl on Barn Owl Box

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


My wife had just gotten up this morning and was getting a drink at the kitchen sink when she saw this owl fly in and land on the Barn owl box. I was in the living room and came out to look. The light was so low that it was hard to even be sure it was a Great-horned, but I decided to give photography a try. Since owls are usually very good about holding still and there wasn’t any breeze yet, I lowered my iso and tried some fairly long exposures (I really need to find my cable release and practice this-the keeper rate was horrible).

Specific Feedback

This is a seriously large crop. Does it still hold up? The whole seen is much brighter than it looked to my eye at the time-does it still convey a pre-dawn look? If not, any suggestions on how to get it?

Technical Details

Sony A1, FE 200-600 @ 600 mm, Tripod with gimbal head, f/6.3, 1/13 sec, iso 1250, manual exposure. Raised exposure another 1/2 stop in LR and used the LR AI denoise. In PS I did some minor background cleanup, cropping and used the old Topaz Detail 3 to bring out the feather texture. Then back to LR for a final adjustment of the facial disks ( I really love the local adjustment brush for that kind of thing). Cropped to 2101x2776. Taken this morning at 5:23 AM (sunrise was theoretically at 5:30, though it doesn’t get over the topographical horizon at our place until about 30 minutes later).


I think that it’s very good Dennis, I did think that it was a dark scene before I read your notes and the background certainly conveys this. I wonder if darkening the box could add to this.
The owl is great, you have controlled the dark feathers well, and the lighter ones on the right side allow a nice contrast with the background.
But for me overall the eyes have it!

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Wow…even on a tripod at 1/16 sec. that’s a phenomenal shot. The owl looks very good to me and those eyes jump out of the frame. Very nice - especially considering the conditions.

Maybe darken the pale green in the TRC? But it’s another big owl success for you, Dennis. I wonder was it thinking of using the box (a bit late for nesting?), or just paying a social call on another owl species? Surely it had good motives.

You are the owl whisperer, Dennis! I really love the details in the feathers and the eyes are amazing. I think it’s a winner!

impressive Dennis. I like this one the best because of the position of the head. You’re so lucky to have these in your area. And not only that but you’re able to actually approach them to take their picture.