Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
My wife had just gotten up this morning and was getting a drink at the kitchen sink when she saw this owl fly in and land on the Barn owl box. I was in the living room and came out to look. The light was so low that it was hard to even be sure it was a Great-horned, but I decided to give photography a try. Since owls are usually very good about holding still and there wasn’t any breeze yet, I lowered my iso and tried some fairly long exposures (I really need to find my cable release and practice this-the keeper rate was horrible).
Specific Feedback
This is a seriously large crop. Does it still hold up? The whole seen is much brighter than it looked to my eye at the time-does it still convey a pre-dawn look? If not, any suggestions on how to get it?
Technical Details
Sony A1, FE 200-600 @ 600 mm, Tripod with gimbal head, f/6.3, 1/13 sec, iso 1250, manual exposure. Raised exposure another 1/2 stop in LR and used the LR AI denoise. In PS I did some minor background cleanup, cropping and used the old Topaz Detail 3 to bring out the feather texture. Then back to LR for a final adjustment of the facial disks ( I really love the local adjustment brush for that kind of thing). Cropped to 2101x2776. Taken this morning at 5:23 AM (sunrise was theoretically at 5:30, though it doesn’t get over the topographical horizon at our place until about 30 minutes later).