Or… “The Eyes have it”, or, “I’m watching you”, or “For Yours Eyes Only”…
Posting 2 images here since they are so similar. They’re from the same log and not sure worth posting separately (ie. maybe better part of a series, a Triptych…
Another weathered Western Juniper up on the granite slab of Sonora Pass. I hadn’t been in a few years and I missed it. There are so many cool things to explore - with our without the camera.
Really just attracted to the weathered textures and just the wonder of what stories these old logs could tell.
Specific Feedback Requested
As always your thoughts, feedback and suggestions welcome. As with most of my images I like to 'make the image the best it can be," but want to keep in the realm of natural and believable. So there’s a little more color to this than reality, but hope this looks natural.
Technical Details
Both with Nikon D800E, 28-300 at 250mm/200mm f/16 @.5 sec and iso 100. Both are 3-image focus stacks. I’ve also been using Topaz DeNoise AI on most images now as I find it does a great job in sharpening!
The eyes jumped out at me from the thumbnail image Lon. A little creepy but I love it. The textures and detail are outstanding. I think the added color works well to accentuate the textures and detail. Great find.
I love these! Texture shots are great, and I love the composition on these. Especially the sweeping lines on #2. I’ve never seen a Juniper in person, but the colors look natural to me. I pulled down #1 just to play with and see what it looked like with a little contrast, shadow, highlight play. I attached the result, but honestly I’m not sure it needs it. These are beautiful!
Adam, thank you! Honestly, I was thinking this was a little flat even before posting. You know, you work on an image so long you lose site - and can’t see the forest for the trees! Thanks for the comment and edit! Looks great! thank you.
It is number 2 for me. Love the detail throughout and the draw of the “eye”. I would probably give it a similar treatment as what @Adam_Klaum did on #1. There is plenty of cool stuff up there if you look around for a while.
Stunningly beautiful work, Lon. Number one works for me by a long run. I just like the strong lines and the subtle colors. I think #1 could make a great vertical by cropping a bit off the right and maybe some of the yellow in the bottom before turning everything counter clockwise. There is some great movement from left to right that would then go from bottom to top, rising like a skyscraper.
I prefer no. 1 as is, but also like what @Adam_Klaum has presented. Both are beautiful. When I first viewed no. 2, I saw a somewhat frightening animal with some pretty impressive claws emerging from under a cover. Now whenever I view it I see that same animal. (It reminds me of a not-so-cute hedgehog.) Can’t seem to shake it. Anyway, no. 1 for me.
Excellent suggestion and feedback Adam! Much appreciated. I love your edit and agree with all that I think both are in need of a tweak. Looking at them now they both seem flat and need a boost, not only in contrast but brightness!
Thank you Igor for the kind words. I did turn this and worked it a little in PS and I think a verticle presention is most viable! I think like many images, once you “see” something - and the eye(s) in this case, I can’t unsee them and therefore turning 90 deg upsets that pre-conceived view. But I do agree that the flow, lines, etc. work well in the vertical.
I love both of them Lon and from the same tree. That’s incredible. A superb find. Number one looks it’s whispering. That jagged bark in front of the “eyes” looks like a hand over the face whispering. The colors work well for me. Like you mentioned, once you see the eyes, you can’t un-see them.
The sweeping lines in number 2 are just amazing. This looks like some sort of alien creature with that gnarly claw in the center. I can’t really decide which I prefer but both are well seen and captured.
I really love the first photo its quite eye catching pun intended! Love the simple processing and depth and sharpness! I would love to see a series of this along with the eye 👁🗨 composed in different ways or different eyes done differently! Super inspirational keep up the good work!