This is a male cardinal bathing enthusiastically in the stream between my two ponds. It’s been good fun watching the birds and learning that they will bathe almost anytime that the sun shines, even with temperatures near freezing. (7D2, 100-400 @ 400, 1/2000 s, f/8, iso 5000, tripod)
One of my favorite things is watching the birds bath, Mark. You sure caught this guy in full enjoyment! Good catch!
I love everything about this except that I can’t see the bird’s head and eye. The action is fantastic, and the setting looks good to me. On the techs, I would’ve opened my aperture and lowered my ISO a good bit.
This brings a huge smile!! I actually love that I can’t see his head – he is so intently splashing that he has submerged as much of himself as he can.
I’ve always wondered how they can stand to bathe in cold water.
What a cool image Mark. I always hesitate when they’re this covered with water, but there’s no mistaking this species. They actually need bathing more, if anything, in the winter to keep those feathers in good condition for insulating themselves.
I love this image, Mark. I love the splashing water all around. To me, it looks like he’s lying on his back! Great shot!
Pretty intense bathing action. You did a good job freezing everything in place. I also was curious about the high ISO with a 7D2 but I don’t see any noise.