Mt Blanca

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

The weekly category was contrast so I thought black and white would give me range. I think there could be a bit more black; because some dropped out when I reduced the image size and JPG quality (6). I like the crispness on the top edge lines leading to the peaks and the light coming in from top right. I could flip the image horizontally to encourage looking more naturally left to right.

Creative direction

I wanted to convey the surprise I felt when driving down a farm road and I looked up to see this dramatic landscape of mountains popping up beside me. On the other side of the dirt road were horses grazing on flat land. One of the things I love about Colorado is the variety of massive mountains everywhere.

Specific Feedback

I want impact in my photos, so how do I increase what I already have here?
I want to improve the storytelling but the scene is so isolated and severe. Maybe I change the story by changing the title? I welcome your thoughts, observations, ideas.

Technical Details

Camera Nikon D750, Lens Nikkor 80-400mm; f4.5-5.6; 12:30p.m. 3/6/23
Focal length 270mm; f7.5; ISO 160, 1/1000. Tripod

Processed in photoshop; Photomerge; color>B&W; cropping; lighting adjustment/balance


I was driving home from a kind of unsuccessful bird photo shoot and only had telephoto lenses. I didn’t expect to be doing a landscape image, so I had to create a composite of 4 images . I was already done and just relaxing with a 4 hour drive ahead. But I just couldn’t pass it by.
For me, I learned to be relaxed and create even when upset; be sure to look around and enjoy what is there; use the equipment I have–don’t give up!

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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Hi Olin, What an impressive mountain image you have shared with us. It’s lovely when we experience a new view or new light on a familiar view. I really like the way you have composed the picture and the compression of the longer lens nicely stacks the forms of the peaks and ridges. But I’m concerned that you are pushing too hard on the shadowed forested slopes in pursuit of contrast. To my eye you are loosing detail and introducing a crunchy quality that is easier to see if you view the image full size. This may just be a byproduct of harsh mid-day light, but it might be more effective with a lighter hand. But overall well seen and a good start on the processing.

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I was thinking the same thing about the blacks. Not sure how to re-post but i’ll give it a shot.

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I like it! Nicely done.

The rework looks better. Nicely done.