The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Blend of a lighted foreground and Milky Way stack of 19 photos.
Specific Feedback
Do you see any blending mistakes? I found it hard to blend in the trees.
How do you like the lighting on the foreground?
Does the Milky Way look realistic? This is the first MW I’ve done with my new Nikon Z7II. It almost looks fake to me compared to photos from my previous camera.
Technical Details
The foreground is an 8 sec exposure at F/2.8, 22mm, ISO 6400 run through Topaz DeNoise.
MW is 19 images stacked in Sequator. Images were shot at 8 seconds, 22mm, F2.8, and ISO 6400.
Clicking on this, I don’t get an enlarged version beyond the thumbnail. Sometimes that happens with posts – you can click the pencil icon at the bottom of your post and delete the text for the picture and drag the JPEG back to the same cursor position.
The specs look good and the FG is maybe a little light, but there is a very blown-out area at the galactic center. From what I can see, maybe darkening the rocks in the LL and the dirt would keep the eye more on the main rock. There is not enough detail in the small file to comment on the tree blending.
Information on the camera and processing is always a help.
How about posting some of your previous images in comments below for comparison?
Thank you for your feedback,
Diane. Here’s a single photo from the stack that I created in Sequator. Does it look blown out? The histogram says no. but it looks weird to me.
I don’t think this one is blown out, but the center area looks unexpectedly brighter with a sharper outline than expected. I’ve never used Sequator so maybe someone else can chime in with an answer – but stacking for NR shouldn’t change brightness hugely. But other than that, I think you have an interesting view and probably good captures. Have you done tonal processing before the Sequator step?
I’m still not getting an enlarged version when I click on it, so it’s not possible to give a good evaluation. You can upload much bigger images, if that’s the problem. I usually do 2500 x 2500 pixels and limit the size to 1.5K.
As @Diane_Miller already told you, unfortunately, we can’t enlarge your picture. Something must have gone wrong during the upload. With this given resolution, it is difficult to tell if the blend has issues.
Maybe you can describe your blending workflow. Trees and clouds are not always easy to blend.
Since I cant see this zoomed in, I am going to opine as I see this - I agree that the core has some blown out areas
Given the nightscape, perhaps the exposure of the rocks ( not trees ) can be toned down some