Racing toward the stars

Image Description

During a February visit to Death Valley on a workshop, I got up extra early one more to try a nightscape capture. The Milky Way core was (mostly) not visible at this time of year, but I like how you can just make out the edges just above the horizon. I was not planning to also get a carlight trail, but another early rise happened to be driving by when I was taking the exposure for the foreground.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

Without the full Milky Way core in all its glory, do you still find this engaging?

Hi Dean,
that’s a really beautiful nightscape image. The road and the car light trail lead the eye nicely to the core. And I like the detail with the street sign ironically pointing to the stars high in the sky.

Maybe I would try to dodge and burn the faint milky way core that peeks over the horizon. But just a little bit.

What bothers me a bit about the picture are the city lights. They are quite bright and distract the eye.

I would say yes. But I may also be a little biased. Because I really like the Antares region and those stars are popping nicely.

By the way, did you use a starglow filter? The large stars stand out well against the sky. And you can see their color well.

Thank you, @Jens_Ober. I also found the street sign a fun detail to include. I did some dodging and burning in the core area, but will try out a bit more. I used a starglow filter, Tiffen Star-Mist. I am liking how it emphasizes the larger stars.

That’s really unique Dean, and I do find it engaging for all the other components. It’s interesting that the car was a fortuitous interloper. I too think the sign really adds.

I was unaware of Star Glow filters. I’ll have to check them out.

Thank you, @John_Williams.

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