Some kind of flow

@Dave_Dillemuth, @Ian_Wolfenden, @Ed_Lowe, @Igor_Doncov: Thanks, guys for the feedback. This has been a very good exercise and your inputs are very helpful.

I realize that there are many interpretations to this image and I take that as a very positive aspect of the image. I decided to take a break and rework the image based on your inputs. I take into considerations especially what @Gary_Randall and @Alex_Noriega mentioned about the balance of the image and also @Harley_Goldman’s comment about the lightening of the upper left back valley there. The image below is what I come up with after giving it a rest for a little bit and coming back and looking at it with a pair of fresh eyes. I have stared at this image for about a week now and I think I am quite happy where it stands but I am a believer that we are never really done with an image. :laughing:


We sure can nitpick the heck out of these photos here can’t we?? :wink: Some images are worth the time though. I think that you’ve got a winner here.

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Thanks, @Gary_Randall!

We sure can nitpick the heck out of these photos here can’t we??

I think this is really the value of a community like this. I can’t thank @David_Kingham and the moderators enough to keep this place running in great shape like this.


I like your last iteration as well as Harley’s and Alex’s. A tish more contrast and drama work well in a black and white image that is mostly line and shape. The drama is in the lines, diagonals, not the texture, so your final approach works for me. .