The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
A view looking Northwest from our house in Montana during last spring’s Aurora event. If you look carefully, you can find Cassiopeia just above the horizon towards the left.
Specific Feedback
This was the second night, when the Aurora wasn’t as intense. The lights vanished about 10 minutes after this photo was taken.
Technical Details
R5, 24-105 @ 24, 5 s, f/4.0, iso 3200, tripod.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Fantastic photo Mark. I love that the stars come through so nicely, especially Cassiopeia. The Big Sky of Montana really does deserve that name and this photo exemplifies it well. It still blows me away that those colors are real. I hope some day I will get to see and photograph the Aurora.
Great shot and opportunity, Mark! I have never seen so many photos of the Aurora as this year. In May, folks we photographing the sky color in my area near San Francisco. Not like the opportunity you had!
Hi Mark,
The colors of the aurora certainly are magical and I love the fact that so many stars are visible in that night time sky. I could see just a touch more landscape at the bottom, but that is more of a personal choice as this is gorgeous as is. I also like the lights from the town as they are another wonderful element in the scene.