Crouching under a row of enormous cedars I wanted to show that old tree and how it seems to be menacing this abandoned farmhouse. Just behind me was an overgrown bench and two old bird houses. There’s a collapsed barn behind almost entirely covered in overgrowth as well as many outbuildings. There’s a church across the street and the fields are overgrown and disused. The riding mower there reminds me of a tractor my brother had as a kid and rode around on.
This was taken a couple of years ago in November, my time for abandonment photography looms closer.
Specific Feedback Requested
I’ve processed this shot three times with three completely different looks, but this one suits it best I think. Ideas?
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Lr processed for some lens correction and transform work to improve geometry. Added texture and contrast after starting with a Linear Profile. Some gradient and radial filters to improve tonal separation and exposure in some areas. Ditto the usual inputs, but with greater control. Used TK8 color masking in Photoshop as well.