Thanks for taking a look and all comments are appreciated!
Any pertinent technical details:
D500 11-16mm @ 16mm F/2.8, ISO 1600, 20 sec exposure
Thanks for taking a look and all comments are appreciated!
D500 11-16mm @ 16mm F/2.8, ISO 1600, 20 sec exposure
Good work Jay. For my personal taste I would change the processing a bit. The milky way and sky seem a bit too blue and I think the bright part of the milky way belt could use a bit of color separation from the rest of the sky to make it really pop.
Yes, a nice image of the milky way and night time sky and stars. In this particular case I actually like the inclusion of all the lights on the landscape. The tree silhouette is ok, neither adds nor detracts I think.
David says too blue, I say too green. At least as the night sky gets closer to the horizon. I’m sure it’s the color balance of the city and scattered lights that might be contributing, but I do think the color is off a bit. I’m pretty novice at this kind of processing and not much help in terms of suggestions there.
Thanks for the comments David and Lon. I’ll play around with the colors on this to see what I can do with it.