Three + One

Very helpful, Nick! I appreciate your suggestions, I can keep this in mind when I’m in the field. I went back to the original file, it is a 2x3 which I cropped down to 4x5 so I have some room to the left and right but not at the top or bottom. I also took a look at the greens in my processing, very easy to pull those out and I agree it makes things better. There is less of a neon pop the the yellow leaves which is nice.

Again, thanks for the kind words and helpful suggestions, hoping for more growth in 2021.

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Thanks Igor, I will have to take some time to process all of this.

A very interesting discussion hidden in this thread! @Igor_Doncov and @Ed_McGuirk, thanks for sharing your thoughts. A lot to digest and learn. What could be immediately adopted is the “checklist”

David, I think your image works well. As pointed out by others, there are also possibilities for adjustments.