Using My Camera to Find Balance by Linda Bembridge

Excerpt from the Article:

It’s difficult to know where to start. I am increasingly aware that my relationship with photography has taken so many twists and turns over the years. My camera has been both my best friend and saviour as well as the horror in the attic! Itemising the many times when photography has been a much-needed solace and refuge isn’t the purpose of this article. I will however try and convey how my camera helped me regain some sort of equilibrium in my life when for years my crazy career shot my work-life balance to smithereens.

I don’t trace my photographic heritage to a Box Brownie that I played with when I was eight. I started much later than that. When digital cameras were becoming affordable, I had a significant birthday and was lucky enough to be the proud recipient of a Nikon D50 with its kit lens. Never having owned a camera prior to this, I thought ok, why not? Let’s give this a go.

Continue reading in Nature Vision…

@Linda_Bembridge I’m just now getting around to reading your article in Nature Vision Magazine and had to reach out. I appreciate your candor in sharing your struggles with work-life balance and can relate to the slippery (and dangerous) slope you found yourself on. I’m so glad you had that aha moment at the music festival and have found your way to a healthier place. I love your images and am inspired by your art and your story. Thank you so much for sharing both!