Which Would Your Rather Receive...?

To be honest, comments are BY FAR much more meaningful to me, although it’s nice that some old friends I’ve met have given me a thumbs up.


Igor… you’re awesome!! :smiley:

Thanks All for your thoughts!

I prefer having Likes and Comments. I have given likes but have not commented on forum posts. I try to comment on image posts, however.

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Comments are the most valuable for me. likes I can get on Facebook…Jim

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I also think that the likes are only appropriate as a show of appreciation. That’s how I’ve been using them anyways.

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I’d take either. But I’m also still trying to figure out my role here. So I might have a comment in mind, but if someone has already said the same idea or concept, i’ll just give a like to that comment…instead of simply repeating. Plus, I’m also hesitant to give feedback to a photographer I feel is above-and-beyond a better photographer than I am.

I will say, it’s encouraging to me that even photographers (who I think are top-notch) still like to receive feedback on their work. I don’t want to be a “lurker” who only wants input on their stuff, but isn’t willing to provide constructive feedback.

I think I’m rambling now…


Doesn’t that become a critique then?

I agree. Not everyone we share photos with is an “expert” and can tell you why they like a photo, only that they find it appealing. There is nothing wrong with social media, where you may find future customers, nor is there anything wrong with someone giving a thumbs up because they like it.
Similarly, a constructive comment is always good to see…

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Ryan, please do not hesitate to give feedback even if you feel they are more expert than you.
Images are SO subjective, and that is what we are all trying to figure out, isn’t it? What is this image saying to me.
I have a friend who is a commercial photog, and he goes on a photo tour once in awhile, just to jolt himself out of the rut!
I know it is hard, sometimes, to figure out what to say, but I think it even helps if all one can say is the type of feeling they get from the image. It is calming, or peaceful, or complex…
I agree with having both comments and likes, but comments are what I remember, and honesty is what I am looking for.
Yeah, I know, rich words from someone who has not yet posted an image on this new site. :wink: Hopfully things will slow down this winter and I can do some editing and posting.

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Thanks @GennyK! I know you’re right, and I shouldn’t shy away. If someone is posting a photograph for feedback, there is a pretty good chance they want an outside perspective with good suggestions. I’ll keep an eye out for your first post, and hopefully I will be able to provide good feedback for you LOL.

A little late to the party, but clearly comments are what I’m after and prefer.

I have clicked “Like” on a number of images, but it always goes along with leaving a comment.

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Hi David,

Perfect–I like the new format with the EP’s in the top banner. Separating out the macro category is also a benefit to the macro and flora posters. Keep up the good work and hope to contribute more in the near future.

Overall, the critiques are most valuable and likes are OK too for those that do not have time to comment or critique…Jim