80 years later

My initial idea for this challenge was thinking about some of the great photos of decaying buildings, ghost towns, abandoned vehicles etc that I’ve seen posted at NPN. While those are still welcome the current focus on nature suggests that the human element(s) in challenge images for this week need to be part of a larger view. That feeling led me to this shot from a local park near Vancouver, BC, where there’s been over 80 years of regrowth after this section of temperate rain forest was logged. I found the lush greens to be wonderfully inviting as the presence of the old logged stumps like this one provided a warning about the dangers of cutting it all down and how long it takes to even get close to what the area once was.

5D3, 24-70 F2.8, 0.3 s, f/9, iso 200, tripod and cable release

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Very nice image and an interesting take on this, Mark. The inclusion of the very much smaller trees in combination with the title brings this home.

I remember when The Nature Conservancy acquired a chunk of logged over property in the Willapa Bay watershed and they said it was going to be returned to “Old Growth” forest. That was considered a minimum of a 400 year task.