Since I live on the green side of the Evergreen State (I’m sure they didn’t consult eastern Washington on that name), it would be inappropriate to pass up this challenge. While I’m sure the name referred to evergreen trees, once the fall rains hit, what really turns green are the mosses. Just a day or two of rain and the green thrusts itself upon you. This is a 20 image focus stack of a stump from when they logged the area immediately behind our property 28 years ago.
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Is this a composite: Yes
Canon 5DIII, EF180 f/3.5 macro, tripod and cable release, 20 images at f/8, 1/100, iso 1000 stacked in Helicon Focus with further processing in LR & PS CC. Taken October 22, 2020.
I refrain from saying anything as this type of shot can very a lot depending on local conditions. First thoughts are from memories of a visit west into the redwoods and the saturation of colors deep below the towering giants. So I wonder what a touch more saturation would do here? But then again, the photographer is the only one that was there and can share it in the way he saw it.
That said, the photo moves me, and tells the story of what the area looks like after the trees are removed and I ask myself how long will it take for it to look as it did.
Dennis, I had green moss and green ferns in mind when I picked the topic (they are “winter” greens). This is a very nice look at this moss. The structure and the fallen bits add well to the story of this ground cover. During a walk through the woods last week, the green moss, on a much smaller scale, was just about the only color to be found.
20 stacks, wow, Dennis. What caught my eyes right away are all the shades of green, the many textures and the movement. For a seemingly quiet scene, there is a lot to enjoy! Very nicely seen and executed.
This does tell a nice story, Dennis. To me this is all about how nature repairs and reclaims itself; life goes on so to speak. This has to be viewed large to appreciate all the intricate details of the moss throughout the scene. My only suggestion would be to clone some moss into the patch of grey in the URC. I am enjoying this image.