A blue day

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

So I like to know quite honestly if people like this. It was totally a mistake. It was taken with a full spectrum infrared camera, and i forgot to put a filter on the lens. When I got back I did a color swap and came up with this.

Creative direction

I am trying to get those colors in master paintings, burnt sienna for example, and that is why I was drawn to the blue here. Is this something to pursue, or do you think a complete fail?

Specific Feedback

Does this color emote any feeling for you over a black and white image of the same? Is it worth editing more? Any editing suggestions?

Technical Details

Failed infra red black and white, lol


This is rock city in Mt Diablo Park. I wanted to shoot this rock which always had a puddle after a rain.

Hi Loretta. Welcome to NPN. Despite the graffiti on the rocks, I think this image belongs in the Landscape forum and I’ll move it there for you. You’ll get a lot more input there from a lot better qualified people. I really like the composition and I can certainly see why you were drawn to it. The color combination you ended up with is interesting and makes me feel like the landscape was dusted with snow. I also like the way the layers work in the center to pull the eye into the distance. I do think the landscape folks will be able to give you a lot of good advice to make this image even stronger, but I like it as posted.

By the way, you do have a dust bunny in the upper center of the image that you might want to remove the next time you work on this image.

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Welcome to NPN! What a terrific first post! This is most unique and honestly don’t care if this was a mistake or not! This engaging if not mysterious.

I’m local to Mt. Diablo and have been to Rock City many times - but never, ever, would I have guessed or recognized this! I tell you my first impression was quite literally that this must have been a TV set for an early episode of Star Trek! I can just see Capt Kirk being addressed by some alien being… or maybe even Dr. Smith and the Robot in “Lost in Space…” I love imagination.

I don’t know if it’s the IR, the processing or what, but there is a distinct 3D look to this, mainly as a result of the darker rock on the left and dthen the water/reflections. This is just cool.

This works and is quite unique as presented. My only wish would be to not have the tree branches. I’m sure nothing to be done about them and cropping isn’t a solution. And really, the only reason I wish they were there is because they bring me back down to earth… and I would rather be up in space with Capt. Kirk or Dr. Smith…

Thanks for posting and welcome to NPN! Hope to see more images and look forward to your participation in the forums and galleries.


Hi Loretta, this is indeed otherworldly. I agree with @Lon_Overacker that it reminds me of those 60s Sci-fi shows. Very cool. I think it works quite well and look forward to more of your work.


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Welcome Loretta!

That really is unique; what an interesting mistake! @Lon_Overacker covered all the thoughts that I had, and I’ll echo looking forward to more of your images.

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Lon, thanks for your thoughts. Funny that you mentioned the 3d effect as that was my thoughts when I uploaded it, into facebook. No idea why myself. I am tempted to use the camera without the filter in order to see if I get the same effect. I did take out the tree top right but it seemed a bit bland without it. I might do so again and live with it, to see if I prefer that. Sometimes you just have to sit with edits. I live in Orinda, so I decided to buy an out of season golden pass for $20 and go regularly into the park. My new theory of staying close and going back to the same places, is a more time with the camera and better understanding of the elements.

Welcome Loretta! It is always a pleasure to see an original photograph – one that would not be made by a photographer accompanying you, and one that does not share others’ tripod holes. I was totally engaged by what I thought was frost or hoarfrost on much of the scene. The blue stumped me, as I did not see that a blue sky was behind the camera. I tried sliding color balance blue toward red, and that cured my hang-up about the blue. Then I read your words and saw that I missed the point (typical).
As a composition, you give the viewers their money’s worth - The rocks on the left side are fascinating, then the reflecting pool going to the distant scenery, and then the right-hand rock and distant foliage. I spent a bit of time scanning back and forth among them; I wonder if a camera position a bit to the left might yield a more cohesive composition.
Again, Welcome. Keep this stuff coming!

Thanks you for for the warm welcome and your thoughful insights. Looking forward to getting to learn from your comments and to see others works.