A Fallen Giant

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I enjoy processing my photos and making them more like paintings. The shape of the tree challenged me to make it a work of art.

Creative direction

There is beauty in nature. The death of this tree has made it even more beautiful. Using filters in PS can strengthen the look of age. Death made an ordinary object into the extraordinary.

Specific Feedback

What does this image say to you–aesthetically, emotionally?

Technical Details

Taken with my Canon Power Shot. ISO 80, f/4, 1/640 sec.

Initial processing was in PS Elements. I used a simplify filter to give a painterly look. Now I opened it in PS and used Nik Silver Efx Proo 3 to give the aged look.


This was taken in 2010 during a trip to the Santa Rosa Plateau, California when I was using a Canon Power Shot instead of the Nikon camera that I had.

Barbara, the extensive PS treatment adds to your thoughts of a painterly look and feel here for sure. Although it is totally out of my personal experimentation level with regards to image manipulation I can still appreciate the given approach… :+1:
As an often visitor myself to the SRP, even long before the county of Riverside took ownership, it’s a fine place for scenes similar to your posted image here… :sunglasses:

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Thank you, Paul. It is helpful to know when I range far afield from the usual that it can be appreciated .

Barbara, the shape of the tree stands out well here. Your toned treatment fits the scene well, making it a fine statement about “old time photo processes”. As an avowed detail nut, I would like to see a bit blurred vignette esspecially in the limbs and grass near the bottom, but that’s clearly an artistic choice. Your choice does fit well with the challenges of looking at old photos.

Thanks, @Mark_Seaver for your feedback. I am not sure what you mean about blurring the limbs and the grass. Could you help me here?

I see there was a major typo in my comment, making it totally unclear! The words “less of the” needed to be between bit and blurred. Corrected, it should read, I would like to see a bit less of the blurred vignette, especially in the limbs and grass near the bottom.

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Got it. Good point. Thanks.