A look of inquiry

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Two favorites I haven’t shared here this year. Same turtle, different angles. I was paddling up a small creek that feeds into the Wisconsin river near the house when I saw this cutie. It’s one of those situations when you don’t know how a creature will react so you fire off some shots from far away, wondering if they will be the only ones you get. In this case, I was actually pretty close to start, but was afraid it would bolt so I backed off a bit and then decided to edge around it to go further upstream. Surprised the heck out of me that it didn’t move and I got the second photo. I think it’s a male judging by the claws; it was about 6 or 7 inches long. For this and other reasons, it’s one of my favorite places to paddle. You can only go up a little ways, but it’s always joy.

Specific Feedback

Processing ideas welcome.

Technical Details

Handheld in the kayak. Probably I had a CPL or a low-density ND on, but I can’t recall

First -

Second -

Lr for a lot of the basics including small crops, wb, color and a nice S-curve for contrast. I think the first one needed more clean up in Photoshop than the second one. Remove tool magic.

So sweet, Kris. He looks like he is posing just for you.

Very nice captures. I don’t think I’d change a thing on either one. I wish I had the nerve to take my wildlife camera out in my kayak, or canoe. Too chicken.

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In the first image more from the side, the first thing I saw was a turtle on a turtle. The rock and log at that angle somehow looked like a slightly abstract turtle (very large and on its side) to me with the actual turtle sitting on its head. You caught a very nice pose. Sometimes it seems like they are inviting you to take their picture. :smiley:

Thanks @linda_mellor, @Dave_Douglass & @karlag - yeah the reflection one is a little weird when viewed small, but they are so cute and darn if they don’t like to be in front of the camera. Not like those darn Snappers. They hide at the least ripple in the water.

It’s actually pretty hard to tip a recreational kayak. Mine is wide and nearly impossible to flip so I have no issue at all bringing my gear. I have a drybag and a large cockpit so I can just sit the bag in front of me and have everything ready to go. Have been doing it for 10 years and it’s great for certain birds & other wildlife.

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@Kris_Smith - It’s pretty cool that you could get such a nice reflection. I just have an odd way of seeing things. :blush: It probably is some odd connection between my brain and the smaller view.

Kris, the first view is a great look at this turtle, surrounded by some fine colors and their reflections. The more head on look in #2 shows off the turtle well, but I miss the lovely surroundings from #1.