A Photograph's Message, If Any

Originally published at: https://www.naturephotographers.network/a-photographs-message-if-any/

You might discover through Edward Weston’s work how basically good you are, or might become.

Ansel Adams, 1965 (in the Aperture Edward Weston Monograph “The Flame of Recognition”)

This quote by Ansel Adams is one of those that kept me thinking for years, that I felt I never had completely understood, but which also seemed to allow for more than one interpretation. Like so many aspects of life, everything comes full-circle in the end, if not unexpectedly.

For now I’ll go back to a mid-December morning two years ago when I woke up to fog over the fields with the sun just coming up in the east, casting beautiful light and promising to dissolve the fog in no time. I got up, got the camera and the dog, and headed out.

Not far from my house I found the road disappearing behind some trees into the fog, leading lines from an electrical line running along the road and one of the poles being lit up by the sun on my right. The resulting image is a good example for what I want to talk about as I didn’t have any idea at capture what this was going to look like. I wasn’t pre-visualizing at all: the image just took me. What this photograph could and should be only dawned on me later. As did something else. 

When I looked through the photographs of that morning, I found the one with the disappearing road and the light coming in from the right. I knew there was something about the capture, but I couldn’t put my finger on it yet. I liked the composition, the setting and the fog. But I didn’t really feel where to go from there. So I converted to monochrome and there it finally happened. I found a mood in that piece, though I couldn’t find the word to properly describe it. At the time I didn’t worry too much about not coming up with the right word. I didn’t have to explain why the final image looked the way it did. Not to anyone but me. And for me the feeling I had with the result of the conversion to black and white and further processing was good enough.

It was not until the mood of the image stood on its own, separate from the visual elements of that mid-December morning, that I felt it was done. It was dark now. Gloomy. Breathless and promising something I didn’t want. It showed an unnatural darkness which was more than just the absence of light. It came from the inside. Like the anxiety I felt in me for years now. It was real.

But I kept coming back to that question. What was the right word? Which one would do now and ever? How do I define, describe, and explain the point in processing when I am convinced I’m done? From a technical standpoint, that varies with every photograph. Some need more work, some less. But there is something emotional that also determines when I can lean back and the pressure is gone. When I am satisfied. When something within me is satisfied.

Is it the artist in me I have to satisfy? Then again I never called myself an artist. The term feels so abstract to me; I don’t really know what I would have to feel to identify with that word. So I turned to simpler words. I often heard the word “storyteller” used, but finally I settled (if I had to chose one) for the title of “picture maker”. That at least is what I am doing. And by choosing between those two I came closer to answering who I am satisfying when I think my work is done. What it is I want to to achieve with my photographs.

One could argue that I could be a picture maker and also be a storyteller. Often photographers talk about stories their images are telling, messages they want to convey in their work. Don’t get me wrong – when I make my point now about what I think I can do with my images, what I hope is in there when I’m done working on them, I am not claiming to have found the ultimate truth which you would have to simply accept as fact. I believe this is different for everyone. What is not different is the need to be aware of what we are doing and why we are doing it in order to develop as a human being and therefore as a photographer (storyteller, picture maker, whatever you want to call it). Those are forever and undeniably connected. The evolution of you as a human will always need and contribute to the evolution of you as a photographer and vice versa.

So I thought I was a picture maker and not a storyteller. What made those two sides of the coin for me was that I thought of what you can transport in an image, preferably a print. I cannot directly convey a message that I have predefined. As a writer I can do that: I can simply describe in all necessary detail what it is I want the (reading) world to know. And if I don’t want to sound like a science textbook I will use tools like metaphors and a certain vocabulary to inject beauty and, above all, mood into what I am writing.

As a photographer I can not describe my message in all detail. Whatever I use in creating my photograph, the best I can hope for is to find something to put in there, be it at point of capture or in post, that will make me emotionally respond to it. Again either at point of capture or in post. I can try to recreate the feeling I had when I looked at the scene that wanted me to record it. Or I can find another, perhaps stronger, feeling when I am editing the photograph by making it into something I wish it could have been or by trying to have it reflect what I feel when I look at it. Whatever it may be, that was my answer to the question about when I am satisfied. When my need for emotional response is satisfied.

And then what? 

Then I am hoping whoever looks at my photograph will also feel something; will have an emotional response. But it is very unlikely that this response would be exactly the same I had when making that photograph.

Some of us use words to prepare for or support a certain mood when presenting their work. I like to use a strong title for the photograph as well as two or three sentences maybe going along with the images. Not to explain an image: the photo and the text have to be strong enough to stand on their own. I see it as an invitation. I show you what I thought, what my mood was, and now it’s on you to give us something to continue the conversation that started with the picture I made and the words I wrote.

I see this as an opportunity for viewer and photographer to establish a connection. What I want is for the viewer to do more than just consume the image like an ordinary product. I want them to find something in themselves that would wake up when they looked at my photo. But that would take someone who is capable to be touched like that.

And that’s were I come back to what Ansel Adams wrote about Edward Weston and his work. What I quoted at the top wasn’t everything he wrote. A few lines above he wrote this:

Look at his photographs, look at them carefully, then look at yourselves – not critically, or with self-deprecation, or any sense of inferiority. Read the material from his Daybook and letters so carefully compiled, edited and associated with the photographs by Nancy Newhall.

What Adams is asking of the viewer (and reader) is no small feat. You should be looking at the photographs and read the words. And then you should look at yourself in a way that reminds me a lot of mindfulness. Don’t judge; forget about the context of his life and yours; don’t compare. Just take in what he created, and then look at what is happening inside you. Whether there is something moving. Something twitching and slowly starting to breathe.

That’s what happened to me when I looked at Ansel Adams’ photographs for the first time. Walker Evans. Edward Weston. And more of those who came before me. I saw something in those that can’t be seen, and I saw it because it wasn’t my eyes seeing. I felt something in their work that made me dream and tell myself stories. Which reminded me of reading “On The Road” when I was 16 or listening to “Born To Run” and having to buy a motorcycle after.

I think I got an idea then of how basically good I was or might become. This is what Weston gave us. And those of us who experienced that and wanted to pass it on became photographers. Storytellers and picture makers. Human beings. 

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I agree with you that an image starts to take on a different light during processing. It’s almost as though you become more conscious of what you were after when you made the shot. You now have more time to absorb and explore with more thought and detail what you were after when you had your vision. Most say that they process to show what they saw but I think you become more aware of what you saw during this examination. I think that the photographer experiences during processing similarly to what a viewer goes through when looking at the print.

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Thank you Igor, for taking the time to read and also share your thoughts. I think I would need to define “what they saw” also as “what the felt”. I try to find out how I can photograph a scene and then edit that photograph so to me it represents best what I felt at the time. The photograph or better, the way you look at it, will change over time as you develop and change as a person/photographer as well. So any image I have already edited and printed might look totally different if I re-edit and print say a year from now. The same -as you mentioned - goes for the viewer. Whatever changed in their lives, the photograph will never be the same for either the creator or the viewer.


Holger, this is a wonderful and quite timely article for me. I have recently reached back into my B&W days and am finding new “life” in some of my older images. I think it’s because I see and feel different now. We change over time. I really enjoyed the article. Thanks for sharing.

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David, thanks for the kind words. I think going through teh wrchives every now and then can be a very rewarding thing. I find images I would treat differently now because I might be a different person now, so my emotional response changed. Or just because I have leraned some things in post I didn’t know at the time. I particularly like when I find something I deemed not worthy back then and now I see something in it. If any of this happens for you when you go through past images, make sure to think about what changed for a minute. This is in my opinion a great way to improve your photography right there and then. For free too :slight_smile:


I really enjoyed this article, Holger. I found it thoughtful and challenging - both in terms of how we see ourselves and how this informs our art as well as how we perceive and process the art (and stories) of others. Very well done.

Holger,I hope I understand your article in the right way. Being Dutch and not that good in English.
Your article confirms me in photographing and developing by feel and sometimes explain that feeling with a Haiku.
Thank you so much for sharing .

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Ben, thank you for reading and commenting. I definitely think that you need at some point in post processing to become aware about your feelings towards the photograph you are working on to realise where you want to go with it. I love the idea of working with Haikus to go along with the images. But don’t feel the need to explain, the words and the photograph should be strong enough to stand on their own. If you are interested in combining word and images, you might want to look for Matt Payne’s podcast “F-stop, collaborate and listen”, we had a discussion about just that. I would also be very much interested in your combination of Haikus and photos. Is there a website or any other way I could see those?
I messaged you that we could carry on this discussion at least partly in Dutch. so I am looking forward to hear from you.
De groeten en bedankt,

@holgermischke Holger , Ik was nogal onder de indruk van dit artikel. Je kunt mijn foto’s en sommige haiku’s zien hier op NPN onder mijn naam Ben van der Sande. Of op bsande@myportfolio.com
Ik zou je mening over mijn foto’s erg waarderen.
Alvast bedankt.

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I like your photos! I have always thought the message, if any, in a photograph, is normally non-verbal. I see and think photographs without words. I have trouble with interpretive titles, and tend to title photographs for documentary, or formalistic reasons. The thing itself, the direct response to a direct experience, the lens image, are all essential to this medium. Always, photographs capture time, instantaneous, or extended, a human moment, or beyond what is human experience. So, photographs record a “moment” that can never be again.

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Bill, thank you so much for your comment and liking the article and the photographs. I do like the remarkable choice of words when you say “I see and think photographs without words.” I think I do the same because I think this means when I am taken bz the photograph, I feel. That’s all I do, I don’t think. And when I let the words to the photo come, it’s just that. I don’t think what would fit best, I write down whatever pops up in my head looking at the image.
And you mention my favorite word when it come o photographs and life: “moment”. You could think about this one for ages, you can experience ever changing feelings about it. It is one of my most important reasons to photograph.
Thanks again for your thoughts. I started following you and hope we’ll keep discussing these things in the future.