A Road Once Traveled_My Edit


First,I appreciated the suggestions you folks suggested and I have made corrections that hopefully improved this image.

Specific Feedback Requested:

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)


The sky is much improved, James. Well done. I like the reprocess, a lot.


Yes, I agree. I wish the top of the frame had more breathing room for the mountains , but that’s a small issue as they are so interesting.

Well done James. A marked improvement in the sky for sure and I like the higher contrast with the harsh, desert hillsides. True grit. Thanks for sharing the update.

The contrast really makes the hills pop of the screen. The sky is much improved without the dark band. The road is a nice lead in.


Wow, great improvement over your original post (sorry, didn’t get a chance to comment.) This is such a stark and desolate landscape and you’ve done a great job presenting this in b&w - very appropriate. The curved road works especially well here - and mostly because of it’s dynamic s-curve; a straight road I think might have been more of a distraction rather than an asset.

At first I thought the contrast was a little harsh - especially relative to your original. However, opening up the larger view, the increased contrast really emphasizes the harshness of the environment.

Oh, and the sky and tonal gradation are much improved as well.

This is a terrific image and interpretation from DV. Beautifully seen and captured. And thanks for taking the time on the re-work. It certainly paid off.


I’m glad you approved Thanks!