A stroll on the beach + repost of #2rock

While visiting with my sister on Martha’s Beach the past couple of weeks , we were lucky to have a couple of sunny days to enjoy the various beaches. These images are all from Lucy Vincent Beach. I had a grand time capturing the simple rock/wave formations.



#2 - repost



I would be interested in your thoughts about the group as a series and if any of them stand out above the others. Any other thoughts, comments and suggestions are welcome.

Photos taken on May 24th in the after. Handheld with a polarizer filter.
All photos have been cropped some, did some content aware, clarity and luminosity mask adjustments.
Nikon D7200, f/10 & f/11, 1/250sec to 1/400 sec., iso 200 @ 16mm (24mm crop equivalent)

This must have been fun. I think the third is the strongest, but the foam is a little over bright IMO. The strong S curve around the rock is a great catch.

I like the single black rock, too, but I’d give it a crop to maybe a 4:5 ratio with just the four little holes and the curved line. Maybe clone the dot in the LLC, too. You could play with curves to bring up tonalities in the sand with that one, too.

Thanks for your thoughts, Kris. I also like the third rock image and did a luminosity mask to burn down the brightness but felt it was getting a little to “muddy” looking. Any thoughts on another way tone down the brightness? Must admit, #2 rock is my favorite and like your ideas about the crop, will give that a shot. Thanks again.

Very nice, Linda, and I’m sure you had fun with shooting them. I like the S curve one the best, I think. The black rock reminds me of a bean, in shape. Very nice series of images. In LR, I have found sometimes that I can go down to the Tone Curve section and just work with the sliders there and watch the image. Highlights under Basic sometimes just isn’t enough. You may have tried this already.

Thanks, Shirley. For the re-post, I did use the Curve adjustment layer in PS to bring up the tonalities as @Kris_Smith had suggested and do like the lighter version better. Also played with the Curves adjustment for the foam on #3 and found it did reduce the brightness a bit more. Appreciate your thoughts.

Hi Linda,
I like this series a lot! #3 is my favourite, The strong S-curve framing the interesting stone is great. Regarding #2, I could not resist to play around a little. I tried to emphasize the curve at the bottom as well as the small holes, making them a somewhat more stronger part of the composition, and used another crop. I also tried a warmer color of the sand. Don´t know it that is better. Anyhow, the whole series should have the same sand color, so either none or all to be adjusted!

Thank you, Ola for taking the time to comment and to post a wonderful alternative photo of #2 image. I do like how you have emphasized the curved line and the small holes. Excellent point about the sand color since they were all taken on the same day and at approximately the same time. I appreciate your thoughts and perspective.

My favorite image here is the first one. The composition is perfectly balanced, the arrangement of everything reminds me of a Japanese Zen garden. Every element in the composition plays an important role, and the whole is greater than the sum of the pieces. I especially like the radiating pattern of the dark areas in the sand. Just beautiful. Linda. :+1: :+1:

Thanks, Ed. The images with the darker radiating patterns are my favorite also. I kept trying to get more, but about the time I saw one composition I liked, a wave would come along and erase the whole scene. Great challenge.