The scream - f/32, 0.8sec., iso 100
@72mm, tripod
Together - f/10, 1.0sec., iso 320
@230mm, tripod
Ghostly - f/36, 1/5sec., iso 100 160mm, tripod
Not sure if it is ok to submit three image in a challenge, but I thought they worked better as a series. If this isn’t ok, @Mark_Seaver, just let me know and I will remove them.
During a hike in our local nature trail last week I was captured by these tree trunks. Decided this would be a good time to work on my ICM technique. What I’ve discovered is, for me, using a tripod helps control the movement and very small movements will give enough texture & clarity while adding just enough movement to make it interesting.
Not much post processing; mostly for highlights and shadows.
Is there enough conformality to make them work as a series? Is there enough detail or too much blurring? Any other thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below.
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Hi Linda, I love the series. It’s posted in the Landscape category, not Weekly Challenge. Was that your intent?
Nice touch using the tripod for more controlled ICM. I’ll have to give that a try. I think these three look fantastic. Just enough movement to create mystery. Well done.
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Wonderful, and a very nice series! Smoothness unifies these three images. The first is my favorite, for the interesting mysterious shapes and soft complementary colors. I would be tempted to do an alternative version with some distortion the pull out the dark area in the LL and the light one in the UR. That would also make the three dark areas more vertical, but that may be too obsessive.
I like that a tripod, and especially a gimbal head, gives me smoother results with less jiggle or curvature, which I usually don’t care for.
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Thanks @David_Bostock and @Diane_Miller. Just for fun, I’ve played with “the scream” just a bit to accentuate some of the darks and lights, also pulled out a bit of the blue in the URC. Fun stuff.
Revised - “The scream”
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