What technical feedback would you like if any?All feedback is more then welcome, I am curious what you find of this one.
What artistic feedback would you like if any?All is more then welcome
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
I experimented with light and dark, to make this autumn image what it is now. Used gradient fill in some parts with the help of luminosity masks. Frequence separation to take some leaves off off the tree left in front. Lighten the far background.
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Excellent composition, Ben. There is so much depth in the image. Two thoughts and these are personal preferences:
The highlights, especially on the UL corner is a little bit greenish. I think I would shift it towards yellow/orange a little bit.
What do you think of cropping from the right just a little bit? The big trunk on the right acts like a stopper to me so it feels like there is a little bit too much room on the right side.
@Adhika_Lie, Afhika, thank you so much for your quick answer. I saw a video from Sean Bagshaw and Blake Rudis about Color grading and color theory together with luminosity masks. So I played with what I learned there. I used colorgrading and indeed with the color green. That’s where the greenish color in the ul corner comes from. I can paint it out and paint in the yellow/ orange as you suggested .
I also see that the cropping of a part on the right will help.Always very happy with your comments.
Hi @Adhika_Lie, i like very much the crop format and the composition. I have a question for you, did you try to dark the shadows and emphasize the glow on the light and the leaves? In my opinion this approach would work well with this scene. Thank you for sharing this image.
Ben, I like the composition here a lot, the trees are very nicely arranged, and like you, I am good with the tree on the right as presented. I also like the tunnel of trees down the center of the image, leading to the distant light. I also noticed the greenish “color cast” mentioned by @Adhika_Lie , and was a bit ambivalent about it. I also watched the same Blake Rudis video you mentioned, so I have a general idea of what this technique does. For my taste the most appealing aspect of this scene is the warm light on the autumn leaves (both on the trees and ground). To me, I think shifting this image green kind of mutes the warm colors, and makes them a little muddy looking. If this were mine, I’d play with accentuating yellow here to make the light and leaves look richer.
I like this very much, Ben. Whilst I see the case for a crop from the R I like this as is, the bright sunlight on the L gradually petering out across the frame and moving the eye nicely into the shadows on the R. The glimpse of further light in the distance completes the scene beautifully.
This really is a beautiful scene and again - your work is immediately recognizable! The warmth from the L helps provide some nice direction and flow and I agree with others that the darkness on the right adds but does not detract, helping to build some depth and richness to the viewing. I do observe that the brighter areas of the L most aspect of the image has increased warmth and saturation, while the distant open trees in the background have a more neutral appearance with lower contrast. I guess I’m wondering if that is congruous or if there is some inconsistency of the light? Regardless, a beautiful scene.