A better crop:
The original:
Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I’ll leave it to your imagination…
Specific Feedback
All comments welcome!
Technical Details

Just global tonal tweaks in LR and a slight help with Topaz Sharpen to take out a little motion blur. A slight crop.
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Diane, Unusual and most interesting image you have here. Color is certainly a major compositional element as are lines, patterns, and texture. Simple and successful. I would suggest adding a bit more real estate on the left to fill out the top left purple curve. You can do this in PS TK9 by pulling the left of the frame out and then using the “fill transparent” action to fill it in. This usually works well. Generative fill would likely also work. Terrific image. It looks like it could be at Death Valley.
Looks like an aerial shot over some water set up against dry land? Love the diagonal lines and the patterns in the “mud,” Diane. The soft feel and colors work well together, at least for me. Nicely seen and captured.
Thanks, @Larry_Greenbaum and @linda_mellor! The cut-off finger bothered me, too. I’ve put a looser crop above, and added the metadata. It’s an aerial (from a 3,000 lb “drone”). This is a northern part of Great Salt Lake, and it is always so cool-looking. I couldn’t tell if this was very shallow water with some sort of froth on the surface, or dried stuff.
I very rarely get clear shots from this plane, a Beechcraft Bonanza with plexiglas windows. Shooting at any angle through them causes corner blur, which is helped by a small aperture. And any turbulence means I need a very fast SS.
I rarely see a good shot coming in time to convince Ted to bank and give me a cleaner shot. That almost always means a circle to get far enough away so the bank doesn’t move the target under us before I can shoot. I’ve missed a lot of good chances and we’re usually in too much of a hurry to stooge around a lot.
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Crazy colors! Cool patterns! I like the rhythm of the white lines in the “water” (?) on the right. It could be tie dye.
Wow, love the aerial perspective Diane! I’m glad you posted the wider crop as I felt the original was a bit too tight. The love the lines on the right and how the fingers in the middle section mirror the lines. The colors are quite engaging. Your “drone” sounds like an amazing platform for capturing these images.
Your crop is great. My guess that the image is Death Valley isn’t that far off since Great Salt Lake is similar in many ways. Wonderful image. Did you see the webinar on bird photography at Great Salt Lake? It’s superb.
Thanks, @Larry_Greenbaum, and also for the reminder. I wasn’t able to catch the webinar and need to go back and watch it.
DV was a good guess. We can’t fly that low over a NP, but a very long time ago, when it was completely legal, we made a low level run down the valley, and watched the altimeter spool down well below sea level. It was the height of summer so I trust we didn’t cause much disturbance.
Diane, the altered crop made a major difference. I liked the revised version much better.
I didn’t suspect an aerial shot at all.
Terrific perspective, Diane. The colors are amazing but it’s the shapes and patterns that really make this one sing. I like both crops and think they both work well and I don’t have a favorite. I love your “Drone.” Is it a two seater that just you and your husband fly around in or larger? Good that you can actually take pictures through the windows without too much distortion.
Thanks, @Don_Peters and @David_Haynes! I had doubts about the OP from the start – was trying to make it more abstract, but the composition just didn’t work. This is an amazing area – a little different every time we’ve gone over it – always on the way somewhere else with no time to play.
David, it’s a Beechcraft Debonair – straight-tailed Bonanza – 4 place with very little luggage. I shot this one from atop a sand dune in our favorite dry lake bed in SW Oregon. Wonderfully deserted place!
And I just went back to the main page and saw this got an EP – what a wonderful surprise!! Thanks, @Alfredo_Mora!