Afternoon on the Cal Salmon + Rework



We took a drive through western Siskiyou County (northern California) last weekend, the Callahan - Cecilville - Forks of Salmon - Etna loop, if you know the area. It was a favorite loop of mine in my motorcycling days; I loved the really back road routes, and this certainly qualifies. One thing that didn’t happen in the motorcycling days was stopping to smell the proverbial roses, or check out the odd beach. We did this trip, though, and it being early fall, the campgrounds and beaches were empty.

The low-ish light in the deep canyon of the North Fork of the Salmon River made for stark contrast. The small tuft of grass tucked into the rocky outcrop caught my eye.

Specific Feedback Requested

What about the compositional balance? I like the space at the bottom, but we’re (hubby and I) are having a discussion about that. I like the feeling that the rocks, and the little princess grass, are being lifted up through the frame. Any other comments always welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
a7r3, 94mm, f/16, 1/200s, ISO 400. Processed in ACR & PS; dodging and burning, slight color adjustments.


My opinion, for what it’s worth. It’s a beautiful reflection photo and I always struggle with these too. Include all of the reflection, even if that portion of the image is larger than the subject? Or cut part of the reflection out. It’s pretty subjective, I imagine.

The exposure is great, the contrast in color is good, but to me it lacks a subject with punch. But, if it evokes a warm memory than for sure it would have worth. Probably one of those images that has worth to the photographer but not so much to others. I have more than a few of those, and they do occupy a spot on my walls.

Great capture, Diane. I too, love the spot of green in the foreground. If it were mine, I’d consider cropping from the bottom, up to where the reflection of the rock on the right fades out. This would create a nice leading line into the image. Having grown up in California (plus my brother still lives in Eureka) I’m quite familiar with the area and love it! Nicely done.

I was going to suggest the same thing - a square format the includes all of the upper part. You would end up with a symmetrical comp and a square frame is good for that.

The other idea is to have fewer bright areas in the comp. Make it a dark image with a few suggestive highlights. I think that’s what you’re after anyway. Currently the whites are a bit screaming. Don’t have my laptop to experiment but the rock to the left of the bush seems a bit loud.

Nice quiet scene, with fine color and textures in the elements. Before reading others’ comments, I had similar thoughts and worked up this modification. I had a similar image in my Autumn Color - Alabama Hills style, and got similar feedback from NPN and my photo club. My tuft of grass had too much competition. I also tried flipping it, as the energy of the original seemed to flow down into the water, rather than up toward the tuft.

Thank you, @Larry_S_Maras, @linda_mellor, @Igor_Doncov, and @Dick_Knudson for your ideas.

You’re in the majority, Linda, so I tried a tighter crop (posted a rework). And your brother lives in Eureka - small world!

I did try a different crop, but not a square. I was just not feeling the squat aspect ratio. I did bring down the lights - that was a good idea, thanks.

Hmm, interesting point. I wasn’t seeing that. I flipped it for the rework. Thanks.


Late to this post, but I prefer the rework. The crop and changes to the highlights definitely make the grass a stronger subject. Nicely done!

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