AMA - Holger Mischke

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We are thrilled to have @holgermischke join us in January; prepare your questions for Holger! The AMA will start on January 18th at starting from 10:00 am Eastern time (03:00 pm UTC/GMT) for 24 hours only.

You can learn more about Holguer and his work at:

To ensure you don’t miss out on this engaging event, add it to your calendar. Simply find the button with three dots located next to the event title and select the ‘add to calendar’ option. An email notification will be sent your way as soon as the event commences. Remember, you are welcome to post your question anytime during the 24-hour window.

Holger´s Bio

Holger Mischke, born in 1967, resides in Viersen, Germany, alongside his wife Christina and their dog Leah. Despite his passion for art and photography, he also dedicates part-time hours to caring for mentally handicapped individuals. In his work, Holger combines black and white photography with prosaic texts that describe the world around him, filtered through his inner world. The photographs capture moments in locations ranging from his living room to distant places, while the accompanying words mirror the thoughts and emotions he experienced while creating the images.

Holger’s intention is to inspire viewers to discover their own narratives within his images. He believes that practicing mindfulness and openness, similar to his approach in crafting the photographs, allows for a genuine connection between the photograph and the viewer. This connection involves the viewer, the artist, the print, and the reality it represents, completing a meaningful circle.

All of Holger’s photos are captured using digital cameras, and he leverages the processes and possibilities of the digital darkroom to enhance priorities and emphasis in the images. Both in the cameras and during post-production, numerous specific features and creative possibilities inherent in the relatively young art form of digital photography come into play. Nevertheless, the ultimate outcome is the print—a tangible piece of art meant to be held and appreciated.