AMA - Max Waugh

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We are thrilled to have @Max_Waugh join us in May; prepare your questions for Max! The AMA will start on May 8th starting from 10:00 am Eastern time (02:00 pm UTC/GMT) for 24 hours only.

You can learn more about Max and his work at:

To ensure you don’t miss out on this engaging event, add it to your calendar. Simply find the button with three dots located next to the event title and select the ‘add to calendar’ option. An email notification will be sent your way as soon as the event commences. Remember, you are welcome to post your question anytime during the 24-hour window.

Max´s Bio

For two decades, Max has been photographing wildlife, travel and sports professionally. He has been a Category Winner and Highly Commended in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition (including WPY59 this year), and has received multiple honors in the Windland Smith Rice Awards. Max’s work has appeared in such publications as Ranger Rick, Africa Geographic and ESPN the Magazine, and has been displayed at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., and the Natural History Museum in London.

Max leads photo tours around the world, with a heavy emphasis on biodiversity and destinations that offer a variety of subject matter. While eschewing the “hard core workshop” feel for a more laid-back vibe, he tries to create a relaxed atmosphere that promotes fun, learning, and new friendships for his fellow nature enthusiasts. More recently, he has given both live and virtual presentations for festivals, gatherings, and photo clubs, and has also served as a judge in multiple photographic competitions.

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