Amanita Muscaria (w/minor edit)

Toned down the rock on the left -

This is a less-than-perfect 3-image stack of this gorgeous Fly Algaric. It’s recently been divorced from the European Species which was thought to be the same, but they’re genetically distinct. Plus the pleasant hallucinogens to unpleasant toxins ratio is flipped with the American version being a lot less fun. But they are the most iconic and attractive mushrooms to photograph so when I found this beauty on a slope trailside I had to stop.

Specific Feedback Requested

Open to ideas for processing.

Technical Details

Manual focus points chosen because the light kept changing and blowing out the mushroom


Lr for a bit of an exposure boost, some wb tweaking and the usual tonal management, texture, clarity & sharpeining. Zerene for the stacking and Ps for some distraction removal and work with the TK8 panel to tease apart the colors on the cap with various masks. Square crop.

Gorgeous! I’ve only known about the red ones. Very interesting setting, with the leaf making a good contribution. The stack looks natural to me – not overdone. My only thought is to maybe tone down the rock (?) on the left border, but that’s a very minor thing.

Thanks @Diane_Miller - I think the red ones only grow in the western part of the US. I’ve never actually seen a red one IRL, but plenty of these golden beauties. There are a couple similar yellow Amanitas as well, but once you know how to spot differences, ID is relatively straightforward.

I’ve put a 2nd shot in the OP with the rock reduced.

Hi Kris, I really like your composition and the placement of the mushroom and that leaf. Your little tweak edit did in my opinion improve the image.
I’ve also never seen a yellow one, only the red. :slight_smile: