Another part of the desert

A different view of the landscape I posted before

Type of Critique Requested

  • Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique


Technical Details

Leica Monochrom 1 Voigtländer Nokton 1.5/50

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My favorite of your recent images. This is quite wonderful! Wouldn’t change a thing - not even the sky! LOL. Really great capture and processing.


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I do like how the branches swing up and to the right. They feel like the clouds themselves in a way. Even the mound has that feeling about it. This is a fine picture that takes time to appreciate because it seems so ordinary…


Thank you for posting this! I like Igor’s comment “… a fine picture that takes time to appreciate because it seems so ordinary…”. Although not ordinary, I agree that you can and should spend some time with this image.
I think what caught my idea looking at the thumbnail were the tones, especially oin the upper right, where the branches seem to reach out and/or point. I also like how this reaching and the geometry of the tree implicates a wind.
A fine photograph. Would I change anything? I would try what toning down the ground at the bottom could do for the image, not that it is really necessary though.

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Thank you :blush: I don’t take credit for the tones - that is the advantage of using a dedicated B&W camera.