If I hold my hand up and cover the road, I love it. That’s impressive sky drama and though the hills are distant they add a nice anchor to the horizon. I really like the vegetation too, especially that tree on the right.
I struggle with the road. They can be great leading lines into an image, but here I think it is over dominant in the scene. It might be worth playing with cropping some of it out; here’s an example:
Hi Jim,
Welcome to the Landscape Critiques! This is a wonderful first post. This works rather nicely as a B&W and the drama laden sky with those clouds is amazing. That tree along the highway is another great element in this desert landscape. I do like @John_Williams crop as it makes that sky and the tree bigger stars in this scene. Very nicely done.
Just added interest - the road is “Box Canyon Road” and the hills it is going into are the Mecca Wilderness area which today has been designated part of the Chuckwalla National Monument by President Biden…