Another Sharpie

Not a particularly exciting image of the Sharp-shinned Hawk, but I’m posting it because, as my wife pointed out to me, it’s not the same bird as either of the pair that showed up a week earlier. Neither of those had the white markings on the back. This is the same as the bird in my last post, but I find it interesting that we’ve had three different (at least) juvenile Sharpies over the last 10 days or so.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Anything. I didn’t do much to this image other than noise reduction, cropping and feather detail enhancement.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Pertinent technical details or techniques:

7DII, Sigma 150-600 C @ 600 mm, hand held, f/8, 1/500, iso 2500, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Noise reduction with NeatImage. Cropped to a vertical from horizontal original. Taken at 8:20 AM under overcast skies on August 29th.

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A wonderful shot, Dennis. I love his pose. I always enjoy getting to see the back of the birds sometimes, with their head turned some so you can see the face. That old post makes for a nice perch. I’m glad your wife talked you into posting this one.

Very nice, Dennis! With these raptors, the head turn always works for me, showing the back nicely ! Pleasant composition as well ! Cheers, Hans

My favorite pose. This is well done in all respect, Dennis.

I am jealous that you get multiple sharpies coming to your backdoor! I want to see more pictures! :smiley:

Nothing to complain about here Dennis, a superb shot with an nice weathered perch and a clean complimentary background. Nice work.

My favorite of all the SS Hawk images. Excellent color, detail, pose, and BG.