Asian Elephant family passing through Tiger territory

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Their body language explains the unseen threat from the Tiger territory.

Technical Details

Canon R 5; 500 mm lens; ISO 1600; 1/800 sec. at f 5.

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Excellent, Jagdeep. Not just body language, but the way they’re so tightly grouped with the youngsters huddled in really tells the story.

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Quite a good statement about their intelligence and caring for their young. You got a very good moment with the legs and trunks close to parallel.

I wonder about toning down the vegetation at the top – maybe just with a crop – and possibly pulling up a bit more color on the elephants? They make a strong composition and the light is beautifully soft.

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Incredible, intimate moment between adults and their young. It’s amazing how close they are in trying to defend the threat of the tiger. This image tells an excellent story without words. Sensational in all regards.

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