Sacramento NWR, Ca
7D2, 500/F4+1.4, F13, 1/3200, ISO 800, beanbag
Thanks for any comments or suggestions, Dave
This is a very well composed crisp detailed long view image. The bird in the perch stand out quite well against the snowy mountain background. Just the right amount of depth of field.
David: very nicely done to show the bird in its environment. A minor nit would be to add a bit of dehaze which would add a touch of contrast to the mountains which appear soft. That’s a purely personal preference as I am also the carrier of an over saturation gene. Richard
At a quick glance I thought this was in Alaska…
Nice comp with the bird placement.
An extremely minor tweek would be to clone out the stick protruding into the Eagle.
A really well-conceived image. I thought it was Alaska, too! I’d crop in from the left about halfway and add that much to the right.
I like the typical winter light and the nice background, Dave. The eagle and tree are both very crisp. Well done.