Battle of Bucks

Sparring Blackbucks.
This was shot just after sunrise, early in the morning and they were fighting far off. So I had to put 1.4X on 500 mm and apply 1.6x crop factor on Canon R5, shooting effectively at 1120 mm.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon R5; 500 mm; 1.4X; crop mode (1.6x); ISO 640; 1/1250 sec. at F 5.6


A great low angle on this image, Jagdeep. The backlit dust really helps make the image. The detail in the fur is still excellent despite the use of the extender and crop factor.

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Jagdeep, the low angle and the golden back light create a fine mood. I’m fascinated that they’re not using their long horns as weapons (at least in this view). The clouds of dust and the flying dirt add a lot to the action.

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Thanks Mark!
They do use their long horns as weapons, but here they are locked for a moment.

Great atmosphere and action in this shot, Jagdeep! Detail in the large version is excellent, especially considering the lighting, multiplier and crop! The clouds of dust verify the action aspect and really add to the scene. Very nice shot!

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