Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Always enjoy seeing these majestic Great Blue Herons in flight and was fortunate to capture this one as he flew to another fishing spot. Was hoping he would go a little higher so the tree leaves would provide a less cluttered background, but he stayed low.
Specific Feedback
This is the edited jpeg from the camera. After developing the RAW file, I was surprised to see more noise in that image (when zooming in 2-3 clicks) compared to the original jpeg. Can anyone shed light on why that would be? Both files were cropped about 25%, with adjustments to the shadows, midtones, and highlights. All comments and suggestions are welcome and thanks for viewing.
Technical Details
Fujifilm X-H2, Fujinon XF 70-300, 1.4X extender, 347mm (35mm), ISO 2500, f/7.1, 1/2000s.
Cameras process the JPEGs with tonal corrections (to some extent) and noise removal that is usually too strong. A better job can be done in all respects on the raw file, with followup in PS.
Thank you @Diane_Miller for your helpful reply to my question.
Hi Jim, I enjoy seeing these birds also and fortunately they are common and usually approachable in my area. I like the wing position you have captured here - always great to see the outstretched outer wing in flight. The bird isn’t very sharp compared to the shore so I think focus latched on to the background elements. I often have to bump focus a few times in a situation like this to get the focus to lock on to the bird (if it ever does
I actually like your background, Jim. I agree that the Heron is a bit soft and it looks like the focus is on the vegetation behind it. If I’m expecting to be shooting birds or other wildlife, I’ll usually reduce the size of the AF area which helps convince it to lock onto what it’s supposed to (still doesn’t always work even with “bird eye AF”). The exception is if I’m doing birds in flight against the sky.
Hi Jim. I really like images like this where there is a nice background (as opposed to plain sky) for a bird in flight. I took the liberty of playing with this in PS. I used the high pass filter to sharpen the heron and add some contrast. I darkened the background to get some tonal separation between the rocks and the heron.
Hi @Allen_Sparks, thank you for your efforts to improve my image. I am still trying to train my eyes in picking up subtle differences in lighting, but comparing them side by side I do notice an overall improvement.
Hi Jim
As Diane stated, starting with the raw file and using any number of noise reduction software produces, you should be able to produce a noise free image at your setting. (cropped by 25% & ISO2500). (DXO Photolab or Topaz)
You could also look at dropping the exposure, by one stop and as Dennis pointed out, using a smaller focus box will help the camera to stay one the bird and not jump to the background. Nice flyby.
Thanks @Peter_Morrissey, sounds like good advice!